Monday, 22 August 2011

Samsung Smart TV - Smart Hub

What is Smart TV?

Smart TV is here!

Smart TV is no longer the future; it is the present! Follow this link for a preview of where the World Wide Web is going. The fact is, text and images are no longer enough; what people want on a tv is video. Your ad in the Dyer Island and Walker Bay Marine Guide will give your business a front row seat at the cutting edge of new develpoments. This technology will take over the world, it's already doing it. And there's no better time to get your business's name on the map than right now.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

14+A4 MD Reduced
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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Decoys are rubber cutouts in the shape of a seal. Looking up from under the water against the sky, the shark only sees the dark outline and then grabs the decoy . It is released almost immediately. No harm is done to the shark in any way.